Sunday, April 29, 2012

5th Month & Still Counting :D
It had been that long since the last post for our blog, and yes! It is dead but you can be sure... Our ~Hybrid~ Story continues......

5 months and 1 day together, and still counting. Every couples have their own stories. But ours is somewhat more unique than the others. Not because like the title of this blog, but unique in our own ways. She had always been my strengths towards almost everything. Adopted from the novel-cum-movie, "The Hunger Games", "May the odds be ever in your favor", we have to overcome the odds although they are stack against us. For me, I believe this will makes our loves even stronger, as the days pass by. The days with her always passes that fast, and I really hope that one day, the time will just slow down for the both of us. Nothing beats seeing her smile, when we played card games at the BBQ gathering. For us, really a simple love, with a mix of childishness  in it. Sotong~ You once told me that in your world, there are only your cliques and me. Same goes for me... I can guarantee one thing... No matter 5 months, 5 years or even 50 years, we will still be the same. Don't say cannot, cos' if we want to, this is not just any fairy tales that we heard in our childhood days, for this is a fairy tale come true, as long as we both agree, and want it to become a reality ♥ I know it is kind of getting mushy but then, all these words are from my heart.

Sotong~ Happy 5th Month and I YOU! :D

posted by 童话 (little devil-nt) ; 1:05 AM

~♥The Pig♥
  • Name: Nigel
  • DOB: 02 July

  • ~♥The Sotong♥
  • Name: Yi Ting
  • DOB: 28 November